Friday, March 6, 2009

Jayanti Ghosh shares her view on Multi Level marketing.

Why everybody is not successful in Multi Level Business?

By everybody obviously I do not mean everyone who joins in Multi Level Marketing. Rather I want to mean, who despite of their desperate attempt can not achieve the success as per the desired level. It is not that I am an expert in networking business. I just want to share my views on basis of my own experiment, study and my observations.

My Personal Story

It was around five years back and when my five years old daughter started her day school I eagerly started to search some part time work, if possible from home. My main intention was to get rid of the boredom at my home as throughout the day I had to spend alone in the home and at the same time to earn some extra money for me and my family. I started to discuss with my friends and one of them one day took me to a seminar of such a multi level company. I was so excited and impressed by that seminar I even did not think twice to join the company. Now I can realize that I was rather impressed by the earnings of the top earners of the company not by the system. But as I told you,I was very much impressed and started to work from the day two. I did everything I was told to do. Attended the seminars, training programs, read number of books on MLM, motivation and positive thinking. It worked for me like a magic. Within months good number of distributors joined under me as my down line.And as the months passed I started to earn money. After one year or so I was earning money more than my husband who was a management executive that time. My down line members were increasing in its own way. I got a distant up line who helped me a lot to build my team by proper education and guidelines. I am till grateful to him. By this time I started to conduct my own seminar. People used to wait for hours to listen from me. Those were my old golden days. But my good time did not last for long. I started to feel my business was not going on the right way. The recruitment in my team started to decrease, the consumption of the products of my company by the down lines also started to decrease. I tried to find out the way to come out, but instead of my desperate attempt I could not save it. Slowly it so happened that I lost all my hope and at last gave up. I could not find out what was my fault. My company was good, products were excellent I did all I was told to do by my up liners. Today I know what was my fault, The same mistakes we all are doing and I feel sorry to say our up lines never speak the truth behind. Anyhow, I started another conventional business on educational consultancy in my city. I grew the business and I feel rally proud to say now a days is not only confined in my local area. I could give it a global shape. This became possible with the help of Dr. Ken Envoy. I shall be ever grateful to him. But though I now posses a global business I never could remove the MLM from my mind. Though for a very short time it became my hobby, my passion, my love and my life. I liked the subject and never could accept the defeat from my mind. For the last three years I was searching the reason. I talked to many, followed their actions, read number of books and articles and surprisingly a simple truth revealed before me.

What is it!

Two facts revealed before me-

1.It is not only me, there are hundreds with whom the same thing happened. I had a down line members of around six thousand, but there are network leaders who had down line members more than sixty thousand could not sustain some times.
2. The science behind the success is very simple. Never stop recruiting. This is a business of duplicating. If you do so then only your down lines will follow. I attended a seminar of a great leader who spends most of his time abroad where in his speech he told all of us to open the notebook and write down the top ten formulas for success. When all of us opened the note book he told us to write number one-Invite a guest in the seminar, show him the business plan and follow up, number two-Invite a guest, show him the business plan and follow up and all the ten formulas were the same.
I could not realize the truth that day, but today I can understand what a great suggestion that was. But what is most unfortunate when someone comes to see the plan his up line says his only job is to recruit two, three or five as per their plan. You are spoiling your prospect in the first day. He is learning the wrong thing from you and so he will pass it to his down line.

This is important

Network Marketing is not a pyramid scheme which are strictly illegal. Network marketing is a viable business model that generates significant income for millions for people worldwide. So pick up your company carefully and seriously. It must have the global presence if not it should be an established company in your country.

You have chosen a good company. Now you need leads to recruit. Once gets your link converts them to your down lines and start ongoing consumption by them. Teach them to follow your process. This is never ending process. That may be fast or slow but that day you stop the process your business will stop.

Now here is a big question-HOW IT IS POSSIBLE?

Let us start with the normal offline process we adopt to invite our guests. Whom do we invite? Our relatives, our friends ---I need not to tell you, all of you know the FRIENDS formula. But how many such persons do you know? 100, 200, 300—not more than that. In an average a normal persons know around 200 persons. Can you invite all of them – definitely not? How many strangers do you meet everyday – think how many of them can be called? How many you can expect to respond your advertisements, for how many days, at the cost of what amount of money. All these work for some days for not a long run.

Then what is the way?

Offline MLM has been seriously broken for a long time. And now, it simply makes no sense when you can build a website. In order to succeed in MLM today, you need your own website. IT is the ultimate prospecting tool.
But if you are serious about your business and rally want to build a big business I recommend you to build your own website by yourself. Even if you do not know ABCD of the computer you can do. I know it because I was never comfortable with computer but Evoy opened my eyes. He has a very good idea about net marketing and some pages on his website are made for the net marketing only. He helped many to build their website for MLM marketing. If you need his help you can have.

Why you need a website?

1. You need not to be confined to your local area; you can spread your business throughout the nation and even international.
2. No one can provide that many leads what your website can. Moreover you need not to approach all, rather people with similar interest themselves will come to you through your website. Imagine if it is 1% conversion rate of your 1000 visitors per day it will bring 10 down lines per day and at the half of the conversion rate you can sale at least 5 products per day.
3. I can tell you 100 of advantages like 24 hours working hour etc. but What I really mean you at the last to establish yourself different from others you must have an website. Imagine in seminars and other places how those up lines attract new guests with their charisma.

Do all they are successful MLM leaders who have a website?

Certainly not. You do not need a website; you need a website that works. Build a website that is not an another sales page. People have come to see the site not to know how good you and your company is.. They search internet for the information, information and information. What I mean to say, suppose your company is selling a product about reducing fat, tell first your web visitors about the problems caused due to fat, why it is harmful, what are the different diseases cause due to this and definitely what are the remedies. Then tell him how good the product you are selling is. Build your trust and credibility. Convert him to your customer or a down line through follow up newsletter. The survey says one need at least seven follow up to convert it into sales. You too can do this by applying your brain. IF you build a website by any professional who don’t have any idea about net marketing the same website will not do any job for you. It will be lost in crowd of 100 millions website.
So what you really need is not a website but a website that works. Dr. envoy can help you a lot in this regard. I personally recommend his name with full confidence.He has lots of free stuff for all the net workers. Moreover he gives all a 30 days free test drive. If you feel interested you can visit your site by clicking here.
You can leave your comments in this blog about my views and Dr. Envoy.

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